Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fusion Power

Nuclear fusion (you know, like, in the sun) has the potential to be a safe and clean source of practically unlimited energy. To generate power by fusion, the nuclei of two light hydrogen isotopes are fused together, releasing energy. To do this, the isotopes must be heated to 100 million degrees celcius and held in a small space for at least 1 second.
Research on this topic is led by Joint European Torus (JET), a conglomeration of European scientists based in Culham, UK. Their research could--this is a little dramatic, but whatever--change civilization as we know it. A safe, clean, and renewable energy source would be pretty slick.


M. Simon said...

Europe is not going to do it.

WB-7 First Plasma

thuntchem said...

Nuclear fusion is an awesome idea. At this point in time where the world is getting desperate for an alternate energy source, this is a welcome relief (hoping/assuming it comes through). Also as an added bonus, it's safe and clean too! No more dumping nuclear waste on indian territory in New Mexico...